Grounded in roots and growing toward light, we are on a mission to build a global community living active hope.

Roots to Light inspires deep connection with Nature through the power of films, education, experiences, and flow funding.

We envision a collective consciousness change that shifts ways of being from extractive to regenerative, rediscovering the joy of living in balance and flow, as we embrace dualities with grace, and align action in service with the sacred web of life.

Grounding Values

  • Remember our interdependence

  • Practice BEING present with what is

  • Share gratitude with every breath

  • Be active in hope

  • Listen deeply

  • Recognize we exist in duality

  • Commune in reciprocity with all human and non-human life.

  • Be humbly in service of the great mystery

  • Let always the light in

  • Allow and celebrate joy and pleasure whenever possible!


We believe the greatest change begins by the simple yet profound realization, that we humans are not separate from Nature. Its through this acknowledgment of our interdependence we learn to surrender our fearful minds so to be held by the larger web of life. Like the great Redwood tree’s of California, its shallow roots cannot weather the storms alone. It’s through a system of interconnected roots, each tree supporting the other, that together they grow strong. In todays challenging times, we too require roots grounded within ourselves and within interconnected systems of resiliency. Through each of our journeys we learn to trust in the deep wisdom within and around us, always growing towards wholeness, always growing towards the light.

Our levers for inspiration, programming, and impact include:


Andrew Smyth, Founder & Board Chair

Following his desire to explore edges and opportunities for healing in nature, Andrew is a creative changemaker. As a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Andrew supports journeys towards reclaiming whole authentic self and finds inspiration from many sources, all highlighting mind body connection and relationship to spirit and our planet.

Through his nature experiences work, including working as a wilderness guide in Utah and leading retreats, he also sees how restoring nature connection and a remembrance of our interdependence, can bring renewed hope, joy, and healing.

Andrew is committed to continual growth and exploration. Inspired amid integration after a Vision Quest near Joshua Tree, Andrew founded Roots to Light in 2024, to share stories and curricula at the intersection of ocean, earth, and human experience, and to inspire empathy, joy, action, and deep connection as part of nature.

Kimberly Pinkson, Secretary of the Board & COO

Kimberly is a mission-driven and multi-hyphenate entrepreneur and producer who has worked across myriad sectors from education to impact. She founded the EcoMom brand in 2006 (exit 2010), and non-profit community of over 20,000 EcoMom Leaders in North America, Asia Pacific, EMEA, and Latin America.

Kimberly has developed campaigns with partners such as Mercedes Benz, Walmart, Nissan, Stonyfield Farms, and Method; nonprofits such as Sierra Club, the UN, and Environmental Working Group; and with activist celebrities such as Robin Wright, Nicole Richie, George Clooney, and Ben Affleck.

Speaking on sustainability, the regenerative movement, entrepreneurism, healthy and wellness, and children in nature, Kimberly has been a keynote at conferences such as Bioneers, the World Women's Forum, and the Natural Products Expos; and on media outlets such as The New York Times, 20/20, The TODAY Show, CBS Morning News, Bloomberg, and CNBC.

Then I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about beneath me was the whole hoop of the world. And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being.

And I saw the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all the children of one mother and one father, and I saw that it was holy.
— From the vision of Nicholas Black Elk, Oglala Lakȟóta Oyáte leader and holy man, 1863 - 1950


Flow Funding is a giving philosophy that is both innovative and ancient.

Developed by Marion Rockefeller Weber in 1991, Flow Funding is an innovative way to “increase trust, generosity of spirit, empowerment, and compassion in the world by increasing the flow of money through the hands of new philanthropists who freely carry resources to places where their hearts move them to go.” Her work is grounded in the values of “Generosity, Trust, Discernment, and Community and seeks to develop a form of philanthropy that is Proactive (not passive), Intuitive, Effective, Open to Surprise, and Healing for Funders and Recipients.”

Flow funding is also based on the ancient and proven success and wisdom of Nature, in which everything is reciprocal and in constant flow, with decentralized decision-making that directs resources to where they are most needed. Amid the myriad and historic challenges of the times, when many a philanthropist is overwhelmed with requests and solicitations, Flow Funding returns natural joy, ease, meaning, and flow for both givers and recipients.

How It Works

At the heart of Flow Funding is giving where the heart is called. Flow Funding is a philosophy of giving in which an individual gives freely as he or she is so inspired, feeling the joy of giving without attachment, giving in natural flow.

Flow Funding may also be activated via a Flow Fund Circle Holder who gathers a group of philanthropists to flow fund together, as Flow Fund Initiators, each giving Flow Funders TBD amounts of money for them to then give away without constraint, enabling a new tier of community philanthropy. In this latter model, the Flow Fund Circle Holder develops guidelines and reporting requirements, collects reports, and shares reports with their circle, and organizes meeting times for all Initiators and Flow Funders in the circle to gather, share stories, celebrate, and learn from each other.

“By finding your most authentic truths and celebrating them”


Founder & Board Chair
Andrew Smyth
(805) 455 7765

Hours for Booking
See calendar for current schedule and to book.